Logic Pro X - What's New in 10.3 (Graphically Enhanced Manuals)


Logic Pro X - What's New in 10.3

152 pages |  8.5x11 |  pdf file: 57MB | 2017-0130

"Logic Pro X - What's New in 10.3" is the most comprehensive coverage of the changes and new features in the Logic Pro X update, version 10.3. The book provides in-depth explanations with lots of unique graphics and diagrams, plus information not available anywhere else.

If you already use Logic Pro X, don't miss out on this must-have book.

”I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!” - Giovanni C.

”You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable” - William B.

”Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen” - Mark D.

”Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em...” - freeform

”Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!” - Brandon B.

”I love your manuals”  - Eli

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